
Women’s Bible Study @ the Millers

4702 Snowden Ave Lakewood, CA, United States

Facilitators: Colvin and Miller; Hosting Marilyn MillersContact: Marilyn Miller 562.922.20241 Samuel by John MacArthur

Women’s Bible Study @ the Millers

4702 Snowden Ave Lakewood, CA, United States

Facilitators: Colvin and Miller; Hosting Marilyn MillersContact: Marilyn Miller 562.922.2024David- by Charles Swindoll

Gary May Soiree (NA)

Additional Set up/Tear Down: 5PM-10:30PM Gym and Kitchen used Sound System Needed: microphone, podium, speakers Contact:  Maryjean Cazeau 714.366.3887 Yvonne Turco 562.230.0574

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

5454 E Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA, United States

Additional time needed: 6AM-10AM Gym Used No Speaker/Breakfast Burritos @ 50 people expected Contact: John Moses 562.755.0920

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Long Beach Alliance Church, Palo Verde Avenue, Long Beach Gym

Additional time needed: 6AM-10AM Gym Used @ 50 people expected Contact: John Moses 562.755.0920

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